Ukraine’s Struggle with the Past: Historical Memory and Russia’s War

Ukraine's Struggle with the Past: Historical Memory and Russia's War
Geschatte leestijd: < 1 minuut

On 22 May 2023 Prof. David R. Marples, Distinguished University Professor at the Department of History, Classics, and Religion, Research Fellow of the Contemporary Ukraine Studies Program, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, will speak about Ukraine’s modern history: ‘Milestones Toward an Independent Ukraine, 1944-2022’.

The lecture covers the various manifestations of Ukrainian self-assertion and aspirations toward independence and democracy from the end of WW2: UPA, the Dissident Movement, Green World (responses to Chornobyl), Rukh, ‘Granite Revolution’, Orange Revolution, and Revolution of Dignity.

The event is organised by the Eureast Platform Knowledge Centre ‘Ukraine and Eastern Europe’ (‘Ukraine-plus’).

Monday, 22 May 2023 from 14:30-16:00

📍Auditorium M – Campus Boekentoren, Rozier 44 (wheelchair: Gezusters Lovelingstraat)

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